The Centre for Forest Protection is developing an education programme to train the forest protection scientists of the future and to provide professional development for those already working in the sector.
The Centre’s education and training activities are focused on three main areas.
Master’s Level
We are working to develop training in forest protection for inclusion within existing forestry related courses. The modules will be taught by specialists at Forest Research and RBG, Kew with support from other organisations. Students will develop a broad understanding of current and emerging tree health issues and research methods in forest protection.
An internship scheme introduced in early 2023 aims to nurture the next generation of forest scientists. Interns work on a research project within one of the Centre for Forest Protection research teams complemented by additional sessions visiting labs and discussing career options. To date, our interns have had laboratory, field, analysis and bioinformatics experience. Our first cohort of interns went on to PhD research in the field, or have continued working in the sector. It served as a stepping stone between university and work, and in some cases allowed a change of direction into forest science.
Our blog pages contain some of the diaries written by our first cohort of interns. Those and the film on this page give a flavour of some of the opportunities they have had to develop their skills.
Professional and Technical Training
The centre is developing continuous professional development (CPD) training through e-learning modules focused on the future of forest protection. The goal is to offer valuable and forward-looking training that will increase the skills and knowledge within the forestry sector. Watch this space for more information.
My CFP internship presents a fantastic opportunity for learning and expanding my professional network. I hope to gain valuable knowledge, confidence and research skills to support me as I progress in my conservation research career.
I am really excited to be learning how to study genome analysis and population genetic structure and how this helps trees to adapt to climate.
Our science programme will support the UK governments' forest and tree strategies and the successful delivery of tree planting programmes. Research outcomes will also directly contribute to the improved resilience of the UK’s forests, woodlands and trees and help promote enhanced capacity and capability in forest and tree health research.

Knowledge Hub
A key priority for the Centre is knowledge exchange and ensuring that research outputs are shaped by stakeholder engagement to increase their relevance and impact. Part of this will be working with stakeholders to create a knowledge hub to promote the sharing of evidence, expertise and best practice that can help promote the resilience of forests and woodlands.

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