Latest news

The latest news from Centre for Forest Protection.

CFP Symposium

CFP Symposium

Centre for Forest Protection teams and other interested researchers got together to exchange ideas and hear updates about the Centre.

Out in the field

Out in the field

Our researcher Danny has been out looking at trees suffering from ash dieback.


Our science programme will support the UK governments' forest and tree strategies and the successful delivery of tree planting programmes. Research outcomes will also directly contribute to the improved resilience of the UK’s forests, woodlands and trees and help promote enhanced capacity and capability in forest and tree health research.

Knowledge Hub

A key priority for the Centre is knowledge exchange and ensuring that research outputs are shaped by stakeholder engagement to increase their relevance and impact. Part of this will be working with stakeholders to create a knowledge hub to promote the sharing of evidence, expertise and best practice that can help promote the resilience of forests and woodlands.

Alice Holt

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